Lyon Wu

Forget the Label.

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished.

the girls of overwatch


Web Component is ready in 2024

In 2024, web components have emerged as a mature and powerful toolset for modern web development. Initially introduced by the W3C to enhance the modularity and reusability of code, web components have since evolved into a core technology, embraced by developers and major frameworks alike. With their ability to encapsulate HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, they offer an elegant solution to building custom, reusable elements that work seamlessly across all browsers without the need for third-party libraries.

Styling the Web Component

we will explore the essential techniques for styling modern web components, including the use of CSS variables for design tokens, and advanced selectors like :host(), ::slotted() and ::part().

shim 在迁移复杂前端项目中的应用

上篇文章中,我们介绍了如何以 AST 为媒介,通过 codemods 工具对大型前端项目进行迁移,这篇文章算是对上篇文章的一些补充,同样以 nuxt 2 迁移 nuxt 3 为项目背景,深入探讨 shim 的概念及其在迁移复杂前端项目中的应用,以及它如何使迁移过程事半功倍。

使用 AST 迁移复杂前端项目的探索

以 nuxt 2 迁移 nuxt 3 为项目背景,讨论如何利用 AST 与 Codemod 工具,解决在复杂前端项目的迁移过程中,遇到的若干痛点及问题。

A Practical Summary of AWS CI/CD for EXPO

在 EXPO 项目中,关于使用 CodeBuild/CodeDeploy/CodePipeline 等系列服务实现 CI/CD 的实战经验总结。